Business Succession Planning:
Developing & Maintaining a Succession Plan
It can be difficult to plan for your organisation's long-term success when the short-term can see so many changes. People come and go, or move into new roles within a company. Is it still possible for business continuity planning to be effective, or has workforce succession planning become a thing of the past? Although traditional methods of succession planning may have changed, it’s still an important component of any business plan’s overall success!
The Business Succession Planning course guides attendees through how to develop succession plans. Attendees learn effective business succession strategies and how to implement their own personal succession plan that is relevant to their business’ needs, including management succession, developing external successors, and incorporating other areas of the organisation to support their business, as well as how to continually assess their plan’s results.
If you are responsible for the continuity of the organisation's staffing, or want to introduce a consistent succession planning process across the organisation, this is the program for you.
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