Roaring Trade Facilitator Profiles

Roaring Trade is proud to have some of the most experienced, passionate, professional and committed training and consulting facilitators on its portfolio. Please enjoy reading some of their profiles.


David Wayne

David is excited about bringing his 20 years’ experience in the corporate world to his training and consulting clients. David began his career in Project Management for a publishing division of News Ltd and, after obtaining his MBA, worked with leading Business and Management Consulting firms, ending his corporate career with a Premier IBM Business Partner in 2003 to set up his own practice.  learn more


Tessa Hechter

Tessa is an HR and Training Consultant with 15 years of international training experience. She has successfully designed programs and presented to a wide variety of groups across different industry sectors, functional areas, hierarchy levels and team sizes. Tessa worked for Walgreens, the leading chain of pharmacy stores in the USA facilitating and developing programs for managers, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians.
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Daniel Macleod

Daniel comes from a consulting background with KPMG for seven years. He was head hunted by Westpac to head up the global risk management desk and work with the dealers in understanding the impact of trading strategies. Subsequently as a partner with Infact Consulting, a specialist information technology firm which targets the effective use of applications and systems within Banks.
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Gabrielle Deschamps

Gabrielle specialising in strategy and compliance consulting to the vocational education training (VET) sector. Gabrielle's clients are primarily either RTOs requiring guidance on strategy and compliance, or businesses with training strategy and implementation needs.
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